What are The History of Stamps?
What are The History of Stamps? History of Stamps Before glue paper stamps tagged along, letters were hand-stepped or stamped with ink. Stamps were designed by Henry Bishop and were from the start called "Diocesan imprint." Bishop marks were first utilized in 1661 at the London General Post Office. They denoted the day and month the letter was sent. Also Read :- Places To Buy Postage Stamps Near Me The First Modern Postage Stamp: Penny Black The originally given postage stamp started with Great Britain's Penny Post. On May 6, 1840, the British Penny Black stamp was delivered. The Penny Black engraved the profile of Queen Victoria's head, who stayed on all British stamps for the following 60 years. Rowland Hill Invents Adhesive Postage Stamps A schoolmaster from England, Sir Rowland Hill created the cement postage stamp in 1837, a represent which he was knighted. Through his endeavors, the principal stamp on the planet was given in England in 1840. Roland Hill a...